Universal Document Converter
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PDF to JPG converter
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Convert PDF to TIFF
Autocad to PDF converter
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Powerpoint to PDF converter
Printing to PDF
Convert Excel to PDF
Convert DJVU to PDF
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News and Articles

April 20, 2009
fCoder Group, Inc. and ISP*D International Software Partners GmbH have entered into a distribution agreement.

December 29, 2008
The optimal format for publishing books on the Internet is PDF. The program Universal Document Converter enables authors to effectively convert their work into this format.

December 29, 2008
In the process of converting to an electronic document management system, as a rule it is necessary to digitize the existing document archive. The program Universal Document Converter is ideal for solving this task and makes it possible to significantly cut costs in implementing such a solution.

September 22, 2008
At present, PDF is one of the most popular formats for storing and exchanging electronic documents. However, the task of creating such files, especially in mass quantities, often creates difficulties for the user. In this article we will discuss how to convert documents into PDF easily and efficiently.

August 25, 2008
All PDF files you can find are created by means of converting already existing documents from other formats using special software. In this article we suggest looking in detail at the process of creating PDF files with the aid of one of the most convenient business-oriented PDF creators.

August 6, 2008
At the present day, many companies encounter the need to frequently email documents. The program Universal Document Converter makes this process much more effective, speedier and cost effective.

June 2, 2008
The effective presentation of a business plan with slides, charts, graphs and diagrams can help to interest investors. In order to design such presentations, it is necessary to convert items into image files.

April 23, 2008
Press clipping is an important procedure in marketing products and services. It is laborious work and also extremely time-consuming. Using Universal Document Converter makes it possible to automate press clipping and reduce expenses for this task.

April 7, 2008
The task of storing documents has always been considered important. Document archives, blueprint archives, household archives, and personal archives... all of these are used for storing documents that are considered valuable by their owners. In addition, more and more frequently we mean electronic information. After all, it is precisely in such a format that almost all data is processed today.

February 21, 2008
The company fCoder Group has prepared a new video presentation for Universal Document Converter software. In one minute this Flash video will help new users of the product learn how to convert documents into PDF, JPEG, TIFF and other image formats!

February 20, 2008
Computer presentations are a unique way to let people know about yourself, your company or your educational institution. At the present day, such presentations are widespread. This is due to easily available applications for creating presentations. With their aid, any computer user can design a presentation.

January 21,2008
Many design organizations outsource the printing of their work to specialized printing centers. In this case, there are worries not only about protecting the drawings from unwanted changes during the transfer to another computer, but also concerning the safety of one's intellectual property. The simplest and most elegant solution for both tasks is the program Universal Document Converter.

December 25, 2007
How can you prepare a document for the print shop without delving into the intricacies of the pre-printing preparation process? Use the function "create brochure" in Microsoft Word, "print" the document as an image or PDF and bring it to the print shop. The completed brochure will appear exactly like the designer intended it to look.

December 20, 2007
Once created as formats for a digital document flow system, both formats could hardly be considered as rivals. They were worked out for a little bit different aims. Nevertheless, sometimes one format has advantages over the other one. Let's have a glimpse at DjVu format and how users feel about it.

October 9, 2007
Today, a wide range of software using the technology of virtual printing is available. Even Microsoft Office has its own virtual printer. However, despite the popularity of this technology, it is difficult to find information about it. In order to correct this situation, we will examine in detail the technology of virtual printing and the advantages it gives to the end user.

September 14, 2007
The majority of companies sooner or later encounter the need to implement a digital document flow system. At the same time, one of the most important questions is the choice of a format in which the documents will be submitted, stored and sent to other firms or distant subdivisions of the same company. Today, we will compare two such formats: PDF and DjVu.

September 11, 2007
fCoder Group, Inc. presents a new version of a web site that has been designed for the promotion of the product Universal Document Converter on the Internet.

May 16, 2007
The use of electronic documents in the operation of any company is a perfect opportunity to reduce expenses on office supplies for printers and to speed up the exchange of information with affiliates and partners by means of sending files via the Internet. In this article we present you with a comparison of two most popular document formats used in modern document flow systems.

July 15, 2006
It is very difficult to invent something new. To launch your solution into production is even more complicated. Yet an even harder task is to stand up for your author's rights. We at fCoder know how to defend the rights of an inventor, while not slowing down the rate of scientific and technical progress.

June 15, 2006
Converting documents and presentations into the TIFF format allows you to realize your talent and create professional printing materials yourself. Now you can be sure that there are no more documents that are "too graphically complicated" and master copies, which you cannot print by means of professional printing service companies.

May 15, 2006
Universal Document Converter from fCoder Group, Inc. allows freelancers to protect their work from unsanctioned copying.

April 15, 2006
Constructing a system to archive documents is very simple. Configure Universal Document Converter as an "Entrance Gate" for the submission of documents to the archive and sit back and enjoy the reigning harmony!

March 1, 2006
fCoder Group, Inc. introduced its Universal Document Converter 4.1 - a virtual printer - which now includes support for output image files larger than 2 gigabytes and is compatible with Windows Vista!

October 1, 2005
fCoder Group, Inc. is delighted to introduce its Universal Document Converter 4.0 - a virtual printer, which now includes the export to raster PDF feature and the silent installation function!

May 31, 2005
fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 3.2 - a virtual printer, which now includes Microsoft Windows 2000/2003 Terminal Services and Microsoft Windows XP Remote Desktop support!

November 11, 2004
fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 3.1 - a virtual printer which now includes network printing support!

September 12, 2004
fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 3.0, a virtual print that converts to graphics any document you can print.

October 10, 2003
fCoder Group, Inc. introduces Universal Document Converter 2.7, a virtual printer that provides you ability to convert to TIFF, JPEG, BMP, GIF, PCX or DCX image format any document you can print.

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