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Main page>Developer Solutions>Examples>Visual C#>AutoCAD Drawings to PDF

Converting AutoCAD Drawings to PDF for Visual C#

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This example was designed for using in Microsoft Visual C# from // Microsoft Visual Studio 2003 or above. // // 1. Autodesk AutoCAD 2000 or above should be installed and activated on your PC. // Autodesk AutoCAD LT does not have COM interface and cannot be used as COM-server! // // 2. Universal Document Converter 5.2 or above should be installed, too. // // 3. Add references to "AutoCAD 2006 Type Library", "AutoCAD/ObjectDBX Common 16.0 Type Library" and // "Universal Document Converter Type Library" using the Project | Add Reference menu > COM tab. // The version numbers in the type library names may be different depending on AutoCAD's version // installed on your computer. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// using System; using System.IO; using System.Globalization; using UDC; using AutoCAD = Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop; namespace AutoCADtoPDF { class Program { static void PrintAutoCADtoPDF(string AutoCADFilePath) { //Create a UDC object and get its interfaces IUDC objUDC = new APIWrapper(); IUDCPrinter Printer = objUDC.get_Printers("Universal Document Converter"); IProfile Profile = Printer.Profile; //Use Universal Document Converter API to change settings of converterd drawing //Load profile located in folder "%APPDATA%\UDC Profiles". //Value of %APPDATA% variable should be received using Environment.GetFolderPath method. //Or you can move default profiles into a folder you prefer. string AppDataPath = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData); string ProfilePath = Path.Combine(AppDataPath, @"UDC Profiles\Drawing to PDF.xml"); Profile.Load(ProfilePath); Profile.OutputLocation.Mode = LocationModeID.LM_PREDEFINED; Profile.OutputLocation.FolderPath = @"c:\UDC Output Files"; Profile.PostProcessing.Mode = PostProcessingModeID.PP_OPEN_FOLDER; AutoCAD.AcadApplication App = new AutoCAD.AcadApplicationClass(); double Version = double.Parse(App.Version.Substring(0, 4), new CultureInfo("en-US")); //Open drawing from file Object ReadOnly = false; Object Password = Type.Missing; AutoCAD.AcadDocument Doc = App.Documents.Open(AutoCADFilePath, ReadOnly, Password); //AutoCAD.Common.AcadPaperSpace ActiveSpace; AutoCAD.Common.AcadLayout Layout; //Change AutoCAD preferences for scaling the drawing to page if(Doc.ActiveSpace == 0) Layout = Doc.PaperSpace.Layout; else Layout = Doc.ModelSpace.Layout; Layout.PlotType = AutoCAD.Common.AcPlotType.acExtents; Layout.UseStandardScale = true; Layout.StandardScale = AutoCAD.Common.AcPlotScale.acScaleToFit; Layout.CenterPlot = true; Object nBACKGROUNDPLOT = 0, nFILEDIA = 0, nCMDDIA = 0; if(Version >= 16.1f) { nBACKGROUNDPLOT = Doc.GetVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT"); nFILEDIA = Doc.GetVariable("FILEDIA"); nCMDDIA = Doc.GetVariable("CMDDIA"); Object xNull = 0; Doc.SetVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", xNull); Doc.SetVariable("FILEDIA", xNull); Doc.SetVariable("CMDDIA", xNull); } Doc.Plot.QuietErrorMode = true; //Plot the drawing Doc.Plot.PlotToDevice("Universal Document Converter"); if(Version >= 16.1f ) { //Restore AutoCAD default preferences Doc.SetVariable("BACKGROUNDPLOT", nBACKGROUNDPLOT); Doc.SetVariable("FILEDIA", nFILEDIA); Doc.SetVariable("CMDDIA", nCMDDIA); } //Close drawing Object SaveChanges = false; Doc.Close(SaveChanges, Type.Missing); //Close Autodesk AutoCAD App.Quit(); } static void Main(string[] args) { string TestFilePath = Path.Combine(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, "TestFile.dwg"); PrintAutoCADtoPDF(TestFilePath); } } }

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