Converting web pages to JPEG format is a solution for a number of different applications, such as including HTML files in a PowerPoint presentation. However, neither browsers nor other standard software is capable of performing this type of less common conversion. A specialized tool like Universal Document Converter is the best way to get the job done.
Please follow this manual to start converting of web pages.
Download and install Universal Document Converter software onto your computer.
Open the web page in Internet Explorer. In main menu, go to Tools->Internet Options->Advanced. In Printing section check the Print Background colors and images option and press OK.
To remove page header and footer from output image file, in main menu press File->Page Setup. Remove any text from Header and Footer fields and press OK.
Press File->Print... in Internet Explorer main menu.
Select Universal Document Converter from the printers list and press Preferences button.
On the settings panel, click Load Properties.
Use the Open dialog to select "Web
page to PDF.xml" and click Open.
Select JPEG image on the File Format tab and click
OK to close the Universal Document Converter Properties window.
Press Print button to start converting. When the JPEG file is ready, it will be saved to the My Documents\UDC Output Files folder by default.
The converted document will then be opened in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer software or another viewer associated with JPEG files on your computer.